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Our Prayer Resources

Devotionals, novenas, and prayer guides to aid in your spiritual journey. 

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Advent Prayer Resource

This prayer resource is designed to be used alongside an Advent candle wreath, with a prayer and reflection for each day and a unique prayer for each of the four Sundays in Advent. 

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[MW] Lenten Reflections Thumbnail 2 (1)

Lent Prayer Resource

Throughout the 40 days of Lent, this resource will help you read and reflect on the Sunday Gospel and apply it to our everyday life.

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The Via Lucis: A Prayer Journey through the Easter Season

The Via Lucis, or Way of Light, is a relatively new devotion that aims at helping the faithful follow Christ and his disciples from Resurrection morning to Pentecost.

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St. Philomena Novena for Mothers and Babies in Need

With full confidence in the Holy Spirit, join us in praying a novena to St. Philomena and asking the Lord to graciously answer our prayers for babies, children, and mothers in need.

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St. Maria Goretti Novena to End Sexual and Human Trafficking

A Nine Day Prayer for Modern Youth and Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Rape

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St. John Bosco Novena for Students and Young People

In this nine-day prayer, we will focus on nine specific intentions including: students and school children around the world, teachers and educators, those in poverty, and more. 

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Novena to St. Lorenzo Ruiz

St. Lorenzo Ruiz Novena

Join us as we ask St. Lorenzo Ruiz, defender of the faith and patron saint of migrants, for his powerful intercession that our Church may heal.

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A Novena for Guatemala

Join us on a nine-day prayer journey for our brothers and sisters in Guatemala. Each day's prayer will focus on a specific issue that Guatemalans are facing right now.

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A Novena for the Incarcerated

We ask you to join us on a nine-day prayer journey for our brothers and sisters affected by imprisonment. Each day's prayer will focus on a specific group or topic that needs our prayers. 

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18-Day Devotional (2)

18-Day Devotional 

Inspire your prayers with stories from the Mission Field. This devotion provides 18 themes for your prayer time based on different needs from the front lines of our mission work throughout the world.

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Join Our Community of
Prayer Warriors

Pray for Our Missionaries

Vital missionary work can happen right in your own home. Join our community of prayer warriors and we will send you special intentions to pray for as needs arise. Thank you for lifting up our missionaries and those they serve!


Get Stories from the Front Lines

Sign up to receive quarterly newsletters with stories, photos, and videos straight from the missions. We'd love to share this joy and hope with you!



Submit a Prayer Intention

Our community around the globe is honored to pray for your special intentions. Submit your prayer intention below and our community will lift you up in prayer. May God bless you.



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