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Temalacatzingo, a village that is made up of 70% indigenous Nahuats, Mixtecos and Tlapanecos, is inaccessible because there are no roads. There are also no health care centers, schools, or potable water. The indigenous families barely survive on the corn they plant supplemented by income from the sale of their arts and crafts.

Because of access to medical care through the Bethany Center, a healthy baby boy is born.
Impact statistic: Of children who are safely born, 50% will face chronic malnutrition between the ages of 0-5 and will suffer permanent, long-term physical consequences from the lack of proper nutrition. The Bethany Center plays an essential role in providing life-saving nutrition services to children.

The child and their family receive monthly food supplies from the Bethany Center. As Mom and Dad struggle to find work in the rural mountains, this assistance is vital.
Impact statistic: Due to severely limited access to adequate nutrition, 44 percent of children in Guatemala fall outside of the normal height-for-age range, according to UNICEF.
This support gives children the nutrients needed to grow and thrive.

Because of access to medical care before birth and nutrition at a young age, this child and other children have the energy and stamina to attend school, develop a love of learning, and use their knowledge from the classroom to cultivate a better life, breaking the cycle of poverty.

A donation of just $10 a month helps us provide for children, from their mother’s womb to the classroom. Give today!

Temalacatzingo, a village that is made up of 70% indigenous Nahuats, Mixtecos and Tlapanecos, is inaccessible because there are no roads. There are also no health care centers, schools, or potable water. The indigenous families barely survive on the corn they plant supplemented by income from the sale of their arts and crafts.

in our mission to meet the most basic needs of the world’s most marginalized children. 100% of your donation goes directly to the field.
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