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We promote human development
through skills formation and by providing assistance programs for the handicapped

Socio-Economic Development


tractors A few years ago, our sponsors saved the communities of Tsilomba and Munkamba from hunger and starvation. Their support enabled missionary Fr. Joseph Bataona to start a training program promoting the importance of farming. The three hundred unemployed young people who completed the program applied their skills in their local villages to grow vegetables, roots, and crops for their own consumption, and to sell in the markets. The success of the project did more than provide the people with nourishing food. It also encouraged them to believe in their capacity to help themselves.

The success of the farming project in these communities reached other neighboring villages and even the governor. Showing his support for their efforts, the governor awarded the young farmers two tractors in order to increase the area under cultivation and produce more food. Though ecstatic about the award, their enthusiasm faded when they realized that they could not afford the cost of fuel and the drivers needed to operate the tractors.

Once again, our generous sponsors enabled Fr. Joseph and the young farmers to expand the training program, cultivate more land, put more unemployed young people to work, and feed more neighbors.


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Temalacatzingo, a village that is made up of 70% indigenous Nahuats, Mixtecos and Tlapanecos, is inaccessible because there are no roads. There are also no health care centers, schools, or potable water. The indigenous families barely survive on the corn they plant supplemented by income from the sale of their arts and crafts. Deeply troubled by their struggle, missionary Fr. Silverio Baloza wanted to start a training program for women in order to teach them nutrition and cooking skills, including how to bake. The hope is that eventually the sale of pies and cookies will lay the foundation for small home-based businesses. Thanks to our generous supporters, the women are now taking their first steps toward financial independence.


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