Our missionaries establish health care centers
to provide urgent medical care in response to natural disasters
Relief & Healthcare
Young street children in the Philippines are easy victims of crime and abuse. The Half-Way Home for Boys keeps them safe from the constant dangers they face, especially after dark.
One of our missionaries, Fr. Gerardo Costa, has spent many years working with the country’s marginalized street children. In the northern part of the Philippines, male children between the ages of 6 and 12 make up more than half of the individuals admitted into residential facilities. The reasons range from abuse, abandonment, or family economic difficulties to separation or death of the parents. Often these children are forced to live on the streets because their families assume boys are stronger and more resilient. Existing residential centers have an average capacity of 30-40 beds, which are far fewer than the number needed. To help cope with the overflow, Fr. Gerardo decided to start a Half-Way Home for Boys, which would provide not only for the basic physical needs of these abused and neglected children, but also for their emotional and psychological care.
Thanks to the generosity of our friends, the Half-Way Home for Boys is now fully operational, providing a full range of services not only to the boys, but also to their families. In addition, the Home coordinates long-term solutions through other organizations, residential centers, and professionals, with the goal of helping the boys resume their place as members of their community.
Living on the streets of Kasayi, these abandoned children would be unlikely to celebrate their next birthday. Their new foster parents will see that they do.
Fr. Oscar Nkolo lives and works among people living in dire poverty. Most of them have no money to cover basic necessities, much less medical care. The elderly are frequently abandoned by their families, and sick children are left to die. Little children wander the streets begging, looking for affection, scouring trash bins for scraps of food. Children drop out of school because they cannot afford to pay tuition and other school fees. To help save lives and revive hope in the hearts of his desperate parishioners, Fr. Oscar wanted to launch a three-pronged program, which would provide emergency food and medical care, foster child care for street children, and financial aid that would help keep bright students in the classroom. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, that program is now working to make a difference in the lives of Kasayi’s poorest families.